Every year The District puts on a Living Windows festival in downtown Columbia. It's one of my favorite events in this city and I've never heard of anything else like it! Participating locally owned stores clear out their window space for humans to do their holiday thing. Every year is different, for example, see last year's
post. This year two French exchange students, my roommates, Jon and his brother Mike joined me to laugh and dance with the living scenes. We enjoyed roasted chestnuts, sparklers, and cider, courtesy of the stores and volunteers. The living window festival brings back memories...
This time 3 years ago I was transferring to Mizzou, and what a wonderful 3 years it has been. Happy anniversary, Columbia.
Some photos for your enjoyment:

2 Lady GaGas and a man in a red jump-suit

ballerinas dancing with Sparky the dog

frosty the snow-woman

barbies at "elly's"

that's one cold tea party!
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