For a more Zen-like atmosphere U zeleného čaje teahouse is the perfect place. Order up a cup or pot of organic tea steeped to perfection. The tearoom may have a Chinese feel, but the tasty treats and bookshelf (English and Czech books) reflect the Czech culture and history. Its prime location in Malá Strana is ideal for a quick sit down or a leisurely rest during a day out.
Absinthe is an experience not to be missed while in Prague. As an American I know that it is rare and unlikely to find it in an pub back home but maybe for a good reason. There are many places to spot the green fairy in Prague but I recommend Absinthe Time. The staff was knowledgeable and patient in answering all the questions we had about this mysterious green alcohol. When you're dealing fire and 70% alcohol you should expect nothing less. Try the Czech and French methods- they're worth your time and money. Not to mention 2 shots of Absinthe goes a long way.
At the last of my recommended hang-outs the intake of alcoholic or caffeinated drinks is optional. The main attraction at BIO|OKO is the independent movie theater. Most of the movies are in English with the added bonus of Czech subtitles. There's a cozy café and bar in the lobby- both dog and hipster friendly.
Where's your favorite place to hang out in Prague on a rainy day?
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